(2016 II) Rosaline E'lluna

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“Hey! Why are you laughing, you twat!”
Rosaline E'lluna, standing in front of Raven Olympia about to attack him.

Rosaline E'lluna, usually Ro E'lluna, is a member of the Fourth Army, and one of the most prominent figures in the Dark Network. Ro is Helltunan, and despite her lack of loyalty to the state, she embodies the qualities associated with the species, including lack of respect for rules, loyalty (albeit in this case not to Helltuna), fast healing, short temper and physical proficiency.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

“VOTE RO! For freedom from these bozos”
Rosaline E'lluna's campaign poster with the HPP.

Ro was born in the city of Jalune, in the north of Helltuna. Born into the minor nobility, she was a very rich individual, and she became used to high-class living. Her parents died when she was aged fifteen, and she became the sole inheritor of their fortunes, around three million Harlal. However, three years later, age eighteen, she was virtually penniless, having spent the majority of the money on a partying lifestyle. In desperation for a stable salary, she entered the political circuit as a member of the Helltunan Power Party, a militarist party who believed in a more personally liberal and militarily-orientated state.

During her year with the HPP, her lifestyle shifted from a purely partying lifestyle to a military-orientated one, as despite not being a member of the Helltunan army she trained daily using stolen equipment. She also began to learn dissent with the traditional state, disliking the idea of obeying the rules presented to her, and she became a prodigious but unheard-of thief.

One year later, age 19, she stood for election with the HPP, and came fourth in her seat of Jalune. After her defeat, she transferred to the more mainstream Helltunan Electoral Military, the second-largest party nationally, who held more authoritarian views. She fell out with the leader of the party on multiple occasions, first over her refusal to wear a business-like uniform over military clothing, which she had been allowed to wear in her work with the HPP, and then over her continued partying lifestyle. However, she was still fielded as a candidate at the next election, which she won, earning a seat in the Helltunan senate.

Helltunan stateswoman[edit | edit source]

“Death and pain are better than cowardice and inaction”
Sun Yat-Yen to Rosaline E'lluna

After being elected to the Helltunan Senate, Ro left her seat to become the general of the Helltunan Army. She was personally selected by the previous general, Sun Yat-Yen, for her fighting abilities and her support of Travelforce (who at the time were supporting Helltuna). Now on a high salary, she returned to her partying lifestyle, although a growing sense of duty to the Helltunan armies, despite feeling little loyalty to the state itself, and her now rigorous training regime meant that after six months or so, she had begun to act more respectably, attending formal dinners on occasion and being able to restrain herself in order to push herself towards power.

She commanded the Helltunan armies in several small skirmishes near the Helltunan border and became a famous general, and she pushed for the Helltunan government to authorise larger attacks on regions near the border, to expand Helltuna southwards. At first, the attitude towards authorising these attacks was positive, with Ro allowed to capture two planets, both of which previously were independent states. However, the president - Impierum Adshek - had a more skeptical view of expanding militarily, and instead wanted to bide his time in favour of a second large-scale conflict with either the Evon or Olympans, believing that his power would be increased by mobilising the state against an enemy.

As tensions between her and Adshek increased, she became frustrated with his restrictive policies on the people, as three sixteen-year-old individuals in New Harla were arrested for partying in the same way that she had done at her age, under the guise of "not showing discipline". Ro was not enamored with a discipline-based ideology and became involved again with the HPP, although in order to retain her political power her official position was still pro-HEM, and she was put into contact with a so-called "Miles Krassen" (actually Mala Dzumach Kavanah) who offered to pay her 10,000,000,000 Harlals - a virtually infinite sum of money - in exchange for the assassination or death of Adshek, an offer she accepted three years after accepting command of the armies.

Assasination of Impierum Adshek[edit | edit source]

“Kill that fucking twat? Gladly, but it'll cost you”
Rosaline E'lluna talking to the so-called "Miles Krassen"

Ro's mission to assassinate the president only took two days, although it would shape the rest of her life. Inviting him to a formal dinner to discuss business, she asked to see him outside so she could divulge intelligence she didn't want to share with the rest of the council. Adshek followed, but one of his guards was waiting on the corridor. Ro killed Adshek with a sword stolen from a display case on the wall - so that it would not come up on security - and seeing his guard shot him with Adshek's gun. However, the statesmen inside heard the gunshot and sounded the alarm, sending ten military officers into the corridor to shoot and arrest Ro.

However, they were confused to see their leader there, and rather than shooting her they attempted to arrest her peacefully to resolve the confusion. Through her headset, Mala urged Ro to cooperate, but instead she killed the soldiers with her sword and escaped through the window. Trying to find a place to hide for the night, she stayed in a small motel close to the building, claiming to have escaped from the calamity in the state building. In the morning, she awoke to find the hotel surrounded by guards and military regiments. Expecting this, she escaped through the water in-pipe and left Helltuna at the southern border, using a rogue teleport device to transmat herself away to a random location.

Time in the original Fourth Army[edit | edit source]

Further Information: Original Fourth Army

“Ro... you are the most fundamental person in our team. You're a brilliant fighter, fast runner, very clever, so pretty. I want to be the second-best: Ro, will you marry me?”
Gru Rasu

Ro's teleport brought her to a small New Celtic planet called Mhórle. Abandoned, she transmitted a help signal, which was picked up by Gru Rasu and Ciarraí Teagwyn Kavanah's ship, which used a modified help beacon which was the only one capable of picking up such a weak signal. They arrived to help her, although they immediately encountered a regiment of Helltunan soldiers arriving to attack her. Ro tried to hide, assuming the two arrivals would arrest her too, but instead Ciarraí used Evon weaponry to kill half the regiment, enough for the three to escape in the ship. The two explained that they were also criminals with the Helltunans, and learned that the three of them were the most wanted. Deciding to stick together, they created the Original Fourth Army.

Over this period, Gru Rasu and Ro both became partners with each other, as their prominance in the Dark Network increased. Alongside their work in the Fourth Army, the two became skilled assassins, Ro more so than Gru, although her ultimate downfall would begin two years later after she was tasked with assassinating Mala Dzumach Kavanah. Mala's extensive intelligence network discovered that she was the target of an assassination which actually had a hope of succeeding, unlike the others, and she tasked her most loyal ally with stopping it - Ciarraí Teagwyn Kavanah. Secretly working against each other to break into Mala's network, Ro was unable to hack into Mala's security and was unwilling to ask Ciarraí for assistance (a decision that kept the two in the dark), and so was forced to resort to more old-fashined means.

Ultimately, the two came face to face. However, the Ravenasgate who had been watching the scene nervously, were too wary of the insane power shift that would be caused by the death of all three, so they sent Raven Olympia (whose memory of the events would be limited) to wipe Ro's memory and dump her in a random location, and to wipe Ciarraí and Mala's memory of the incident, so that they were simply under the impression the assassin (who they did not know the identity of) was stopped, as it was determined that Mala's trust of Ciarraí was useful to the Ravenasgate.

Meanwhile, while Ro was being memory-wiped, Gru Rasu died with Iax Luka Krassen fighting against the Helltunan army taking over Rasu.

Memory-wiped[edit | edit source]

“No. The child goes free.”
Ro in the courtroom setting in Ciarraí and Mala's memory simulation

When memory-wiped, Ro essentially reverted to her base instincts: traditional Helltunan character traits and strong moral integrity. She was released into an Evonian shopping centre, where she caused havoc and was taken in for interrogation, believed to be a Helltunan spy, as at the time she was carrying her sword and dressed in assassin's clothes. In interrogation, she reacted to the truth-telling drugs by remembering Gru slowly,

“Wait… YES! I think I'm remembering… oh no… no… somebody's dying, an Evon woman, young and a… a man…? I think my… no… Anyway, why do we have this- FUCK, NO, WAIT! Oh my god, the man… he got shot, and somebody please help him… HELP HIM…! H-h-he looks familiar… like he's…

“FUCK… My mind is numb again… I think the man is called - was called Gru.”

which alerted Ciarraí Teagwyn Kavanah, who had returned to his political role as both a strong Evon patriot and an advocate of Mala Dzumach Kavanah, to her presence in the building. Realising who she was, and as the recollection dawned on her that he actually knew her, he took her to Mala to have her memories restored through the medium of Raven Olympia, who she had captured.

Raven was unwilling to work with Mala, and by extension Ciarraí, and after Ro's memories were restored, the three left as a new group, creating the second Fourth Army.

Second Fourth Army[edit | edit source]

Physical description[edit | edit source]

Ro is a 24-year-old Helltunan woman with long red hair and green eyes. She is [...]

Personality and traits[edit | edit source]

Relationships[edit | edit source]

Gru Rasu[edit | edit source]

Ciarraí Teagwyn Kavanah[edit | edit source]

Raven Olympia[edit | edit source]

Mala Dzumach Kavanah[edit | edit source]

Abilities[edit | edit source]