Fourth Army

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An April 2016 version of this article from the original BHH Wiki is available at (2016) Fourth Army

The Fourth Army was an influential group of around three or four figures that operated behind the scenes in the political and criminal world to resolve conflicts, keep the peace, defeat villains, and prevent injustice in the era of BHH, and it was the band of heroes in BHH. Before May 2017, the Fourth Army meant Ro Elluna, Ciarraí Teagwyn Kavanah, and either Gru Rasu or initially Gru being replaced by Raven Olympia; after May 2017, it meant Ro, Ciarraí, Raven and Ajax Inuta Krassen, plus any fleeting keys. The group often operated in the Dark Network and some sources described the Fourth Army as part of the Network, though neither Ro nor Ajax was actually a derata.