Dark Network

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A May 2017 version of this page from the original BHH Wiki is available at (2017) Dark Network

The Dark Network was an interplanetary subculture of operatives called "deratas" and criminal organisations in the late After-Human Era that provided enforcement, espionage and regulation to the interconnected criminal organisations that dominated the Underworld. The network had a significant influence on legitimate politics and business outside the Underworld and some deratas saw their primary role as influencing events from the shadows. The term was sometimes used more broadly to encompass the entire elite of the Underworld's criminal subculture, and in this context, some powerful gangsters were also considered part of the Dark Network.

The Dark Network was rather an amorphous and undefined entity; there were far more gangsters who liked to believe they were part of the Network than there were actual deratas. It emerged from "derareti", the practice of astrocorsairs and organised criminals operating behind open businesses electing representatives to a "derareti congress". It was originally dominated by a Breatnais elite, but about a decade before the era of BHH, this mostly gave way to an Evon and Helltunan one.

Mala Dzumach Kavanah—in most sources—took control of most of the Dark Network about a decade before the era of BHH.