Postgate lands

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There is an April 2017 version of this article available from the original BHH Wiki at (2016) Postgate lands

The Postgate lands, sometimes known in-universe as Ár nOileáin (Our Islands), were planetary systems that only became accessible to humanity around two thousand years later than the rest of Oburron. Originally, Oburron was connected to a parallel world called Jenner via a rift in space called the Jenner Gate; the Ravensgate then closed the rift, making it possible to access a new region of Oburron which had previously been blocked off by the Jenner Gate. The concept of the Postgate lands was part of the Oburron and Jenner paracosm. As with other elements of that paracosm, Kerry continued to consider it part of the canon until at least April 2017, and references to it appear in written sources until mid-2017.