The game

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"The game" or Black Hole Hulk was imaginative childhood play at primary school that established BHH. Kerry, Kian and Cat pretended to be Ciarraí Stapleton, Gru and Rosaline E'lluna, who collectively comprised the Fourth Army, a vigilante group that travelled across Obur'ron in the Treebase and "the ship" saving people from villains like the Helltunans and the Malignite Masters. Ciarraí was an Evon scientist, Gru was a Black Hole Hulk from Planet X, and Ro was an assassin who had been exiled from Helltuna and rescued by Ciarraí and Gru after she killed its evil emperor. Other characters included Lily Black, Abby Sweetwater, and fleeting keys by Michael and Cat's brother.

"The game" was seen at the time as action-adventure and science fiction, though in retrospect it was labelled science fantasy. It was particularly influenced by Doctor Who and the Anthony Horowitz Power of Five books; many elements were borrowed from these and from other works. Tom has voiced the opinion that it was "basically Doctor Who fan fiction", though Kerry rejects this characterisation, pointing out that it plagarised from other sources too. After he left primary school in September 2014, Kerry kept its characters and lore alive in the Oburron and Jenner paracosm, and BHH would eventually be properly revived as the Acteriendian BHH roleplays in November 2015 using the paracosm and Cat's memories of "the game".