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  BHH Wiki: the repository for lore, records and charcter abdumbration]]

Did you know...

  • ...that Cafe Hollingworth is named after the original founder of the series, Kian-paul Hollingworth?
  • ...that Sovvan Yu and Ciarraí Teagwyn are the same person?
  • ...that the Evon are politically divided between the followers of Eriudism and Evon Leftism, who blame each other for losing the war with Helltuna?
  • ...that the original BHH was actually started as a role-playing game to begin with, but devloped into a physical game?

BHH Store

Map of the Universe (Oburron) from the Evon Empire era, labelled in Evonian - £2.00
How to write in Dylonian guide - £0.50
Guided tour of Exeter during the Helltunan occupation (book) - £5.00