Mark Haloran
- For the Aerrastian character, see Allmhuráin
Mark Haloran was a magical revolutionary, previously a historian, in Palaratos in the second half of the first century CE, and Kerry's key character in the Mission Cycle. As a historian, Mark studied the Down Times of Maisraln, and became convinced from his research into the economy of the era that magic had existed and the historical record had been altered. The Solas suppressed his research and attempted to kill him, which drove him underground, and he was recruited into the Magical Resistance by Matthew Hall in 43 CE.
He initially joined the Dorcha. After bringing Rosie Cawthon into the resistance, he became commander of a cell involving she and Luke Ryeford. In the 40s, Mark was elected to the Council of Mages. In the Midnight Uprising of 49, he disagreed strongly with the tactical and moral calls made by Dorcha commander Evelyn Xerox, and his cell broke away from the Dorcha to create a new faction, the Vorsnoir. He invited Grace Serket, who he knew from the council, and Matthew to join the Vorsnoir, and Grace brought in Kate Everson.